Today 8/2 Is National Coloring Book Day: Buy a Book + Start Coloring!

Are you coloring these days?
Have you bitten by the coloring book craze? Do you have your own pencils or markers set aside? Do you have multiple coloring books? At my house, it’s a big deal. I have my own (rather large) pencil set and 2 books. My kid has a couple of books, pens and pencils. You might wonder WHY we are doing this and maybe you might be right. There is a method and meaning to this madness. It’s not only fun, it’s relaxing. It’s the mental vacation that one can take without spending a chunk of change at a restaurant or at a concert or heading to the airport for a trip. It’s the escape from daily living and -more importantly- being constantly plugged into the web, social media, as well as family and friends.

Today is National Coloring Book day and there is a reason to this post. A brand did send me the release and information on the various books of their client. I didn’t get any books or tools or anything. It’s my choice to feature this and I am featuring it because I need a break. YOU need a break. Our world needs to escape into a bit of a vacuum where nothing and very few people can reach them. It’s relaxing, restful and energizing. It offers peace. If you can’t get into meditation or hypnosis, you can do this. It’s so easy. It’s pretty affordable too. The ones listed here are available on They are also available — along with many, more coloring books from other publishers and from other stores. Explore, look around– even into a young adult section for interesting coloring books. It’s worth your time!

What booksellers are saying about coloring books:

Just when a sympathetic heart seems like it can’t take anymore, reach for something to help quiet the mind and ease the soul. Inkspirations coloring books for adults offer a way to turn off negativity while healing the spirit. Art therapy has long proven its effects as an aid in emotional and mental restoration, and it is not news that coloring as active meditation reduces stress and quiets thoughts. However, from the original publishers of Chicken Soup for the Soul now comes a line of coloring books ready to encourage, inspire, and help worries fade.

Whether coloring with friends, family, or on your own, it doesn’t take much to color your day a little brighter. With moving quotes alongside unique and graceful images, Inkspirations coloring books include a wide array of themes to help express creativity and enjoy therapy through coloring. To start overcoming heartache, releasing tensions, and building positive energy, readers can visit the new Inkspirations website,

The website is a reader’s portal to a more colorful world, giving a peek at the wide spread of unique pages Inkspirations has to offer, and some highly anticipated releases.

On coloring lists now:

Inkspirations in the Garden (June 2016)


Anyone blessed with a green thumb knows that a garden is nature’s haven, and when properly tended can transform a patch of ground into a place of splendor that abounds with intoxicating colors, scents, and wildlife. Inkspirations in the Garden celebrates gardens in all their glory, from images of delightful cottage gardens to well-manicured rose gardens, from lush tropical gardens to relaxing Zen gardens. The original designs feature exquisite floral patterns to color and customize, plus heartwarming scenes of loveable backyard critters, like ladybugs and bumblebees, and even the squirrels and rabbits who sometimes become our garden nemeses. Inkspirations in the Garden pays homage to those who make weeds into wonders and have been enriched by gardening’s lessons about a life well-tended and nurtured. Please visit:

Inkspirations Animal Kingdom (June 2016)


For coloring enthusiasts looking for inspiration, nature provides a dazzling array of colors and patterns – the bold black stripes on a tiger’s back, the kaleidoscope of teals in a peacock’s plumes, the fiery orange of a fox’s coat, or the rainbow of colors in a macaw’s feathers. Now you can add your own burst of color with Inkspirations Animal Kingdom, which showcases more than thirty beautifully detailed designs of a menagerie of animals large and small. Paired with inspiring quotes and heartfelt lessons we humans can learn from our animal counterparts, this book will uplift and inspire whether you are an avid colorist or an armchair explorer. For information, please visit:

Coloring HERE NOW!

Inkspirations for a Happy Heart (June 2016)


Sharing more than 30 original designs to make your own, plus motivating mantras to help you relax, unwind, and greet each day with renewed optimism and creative energy. Whether you’re new to coloring or a gel-pen aficionado, you may have already admired the artistic creations of Diane Yi, whose stunning artwork has been shared, pinned, or colored around the world. With Diane’s style of intricate details with exquisite flourishes, Inkspirations for a Happy Heart provides a perfect canvas that will inspire you to color your world a little brighter. Please see:

Inkspirations for Cat Lovers (July 2016)


Cats are curious, regal, intelligent, and playful. They oblige us humans by allowing us to share our lives and hearts with them. Inkspirations for Cat Lovers celebrates the magic, mystery, and merriment of cats throughout the seasons, from Siamese to the Sphynx, Abyssinians to Persians, Maine Coons to calicos, and more. From long-haired to short-haired and everything in between, you will find more than 30 original designs that celebrate the many ways in which cats bring joy (and fur!) into our lives. Inkspirations for Cat Lovers is a fitting tribute to our whiskered companions who color our world brighter every day. Please see:

Also see for:

Inkspirations for Women (March 2016)
Inkspirations for Recovery (February 2016)

These are great coloring books but don’t think that these are the only ones out there. Target has some, Barnes and Noble, even department and specialty stores have them. Even school supply stores have them too. You just have to check around. Find one that resonates with you. Think about carrying one and specific crayons, pencils or markers when you travel or have appointments where waiting is inevitable. Bring in the calm. Bring in the peace. Bring in the markers– and don’t forget the book- the coloring book!!

Stevie Wilson,




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One thought on “Today 8/2 Is National Coloring Book Day: Buy a Book + Start Coloring!

  1. These designs are so intricate and fine that a rue masterpiece is made by coloring the whole thing. I started mine at the doctor’s office when I had to spend an afternoon there. I have to work on it again…these are really for skilled adults, and not for kids…they are sophisticated.

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