Getting Slim & Fit Can Happen!! Use Weight-View to Help You Get Started & Keep You Motivated!

It’s getting close to summer and that means shorts, tees, tanks, swimwear and suddenly that body that’s been hidden in sweats, jeans and sweaters is going to be on view — and if you haven’t been doing anything about it, you certainly need to think about it (like right now).
There are a variety of food management programs that are super simple and affordable: Weight Watchers is one, the Subway lunch is another. Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig are also available and work- providing you remember to stay on track and can afford the meals + program. It does work but you do have to be able to translate this into real world food!
One of the key elements of any weight loss program is getting off the couch and *moving*!No matter if you are walking, hitting the gym, using home workout dvds or Wii Fit, it’s all about “moving” and that’s critical.
No matter what you do, it takes about 3-4 weeks to get a new habit established and about 6 weeks to make sure it’s embedded as a behavior pattern. It seems like a long time to keep motivated and sticking with a program. Now there’s something new to add to your arsenal of weight loss tools: is a FREE digital weight loss tool that allows any user to see what they would look like at their target weight.
It’s SO simple: you upload a photo of yourself, specify how much weight you’d like to lose, and WeightView sends you back an image of yourself at your target weight You can see yourself at the weight you want to be — providing you the motivation to stick with your program and achieve your goal. Users can print out the images and hang them on their refrigerators, download them as screensavers– virtually anthing that will help keep them motivated (think cell phone image)
Here’s a video about the power — and efficacy– of this website.

What’s also cool about is that they have constructed a forum that will help people connect and support each other in their weight loss endeavor!
This is one cool site and worth giving more than a quick spin — but stick with it for the longer–getting fitter– haul.
Stevie Wilson

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