Leave it to RueLaLa.com to change up the way you shop for travel. They have partnered with the exclusive boutique hotel White Elephant Hotel Residences for a special sale that you should not miss!
Beginning June 16, 2009, Rue La La members will have a opportunity to take advantage of exclusive packages from the White Elephant Hotel Residences, elegant, private one -two bedroom vacation residences desirably located on the serene waterfront of Nantucket, Massachusetts.
For 48 hours, Rue La La will host a private sale Boutique showcasing long weekend and week long packages from the new White Elephant Hotel Residences, an extension of the White Elephant hotel, at prices below current published rates.
Aligning with the Rue La La experience, these premiere Nantucket accommodations offer an unexpected blend of island charm and sophistication perfect for a private summer getaway with all the conveniences of a hotel stay.
Rue La La members must act quickly if hoping to take advantage of this coveted discount during peak travel season. A limited number of packages will be available for specific dates beginning in late June through early September.
This sale begins June 16 and lasts ONLY 48 hours on ruelala.com !! If you snooze, you lose!!
Not a member? Join RueLaLa.com here — free!! Use this link for membership http://www.ruelala.com/invite/la-story
Check out White Elephant Hotel & Hotel Residences at http://www.whiteelephanthotel.com/.
This is one chance for an amazing vacation that will be unforgettable in its experience of Nantucket Island during the summer.
Since the site launched in 2008, Rue La La has become the leading website for private online sales. Rue La La offers a wide array of brands and experiences for sophisticated shoppers in search of a great deal across all sectors of life including fashion, home, beauty and travel, the sites newest addition to the much desired Rue La La experience.
Happy bargain hunting and have a great vacation!!
Stevie Wilson
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