Living in a Perfect World: A Voice From the Inside! What Kind?

Living In A Perfect World
From the blog, Living in a Perfect World
What Kind

Weakness of morality, of the spirit, weakness of the mind, of true understanding. So many devout men live in this world. They cast stones in the name of their personal creator. They pass judgment on the life and beliefs of someone who they lack the knowledge to correctly perceive.
They hate you for your state of being different; they slander your name as well as your cause– no matter how noble that cause may be– and when all is said and done, they hide behind a smile encased in a kind word. They preach a doctrine which denies the Devil himself and yet they acquire ground by his methods.
Only a fool with weak faith can be threatened by the beliefs of another. Is your foundation so soft that a mere stone’s throw can topple your house of worship? Is this ridiculous show of intolerance all that you truly possess?
Crawl worm! Crawl and cling to the words in your book, because your soul holds no weight and you heart is filled with fear. You are not a holy man. You are an agent of your own personal quest and he who only seeks freedom for himself will remain trapped in a prison for his own making forever. He who passes judgment will soon be judged harshly for his own greedy underhanded deeds in this world.
You may escape from your fate for a while, but that which you create will always return to be suffered. There is a reckoning to be served, and a sentence to be carried out, but in the end it will be you who is at fault. What is in you has always been in you. There is no stairway to climb. This is only a lesson to be learned.
The saddest truth of it all is the fact that with all of your holiness, with all of your religion, with all of your concentration fixed upon my life and what I believe, you have truly lost your way. What could you possibly learn about yourself and your true path if all you do is worry about me?
Look in the mirror the next time you are looking for evil. You just might be surprised. A man is not what he believes. A man is what he does. What kind of man are you?

By Jeheshua
What’s your “perfect world”?
Thank you to and Jeheshua for these posts.
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