Living in a Perfect World: A Voice From the Inside! Dark Corners

From the blog, Living in a Perfect World
Dark Corners
Whispers violently ring out of a dark corner, suddenly shattering the silence and peace that once inhabited the light. People speak poison in private because they are not so bold or stone of heart in public. They criticize, undermine and slander you behind your back, but they dare not confront you.
These people are afraid of what may happen should they play their cards face up. Bluffing is their game. I despise a coward! They are worthless in my eyes. Not everyone is a wolf and there is no shame in being a sheep if that’s what you are, but if you are one, you should not impersonate the other.
There are a few things I’ve learned here in prison:
1) “Not everyone is who they clamed to be.” You can make up any story you want.
2) “Mind your own business”. That can get you into trouble and that includes whispering in the dark corners.
3) “If you’re a punk in here, then more than likely you were a punk on the street”. We all wear masks to protect ourselves from others, but we do possess a true face. It’s up to us who we allow to see it. Most of us forget that.
I’ve met angels that look like demons and I’ve heard devils preach the Bible. I’ve been judged by others for what I believe as well as what I don’t. When they (people) were hurt and in need, I’ve provided whatever help I could. I am not a saint and I don’t believe that I am better than anyone else. I’m not a person of perfect moral fiber and then again I have never claimed to be.
I’m just a man trying to live my life the best way I know how. If in making that attempt to follow my own path I have offended anyone, I am sorry. I will make this promise: you will never find me whispering in dark corners. My words will always be spoken loud, clear and in the light of day.
What’s your “perfect world”?
Thank you to and Jeheshua for these posts.
Stevie Wilson,, inc.

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