Xena and Juneau Discuss "On the Meaning of Adam Lambert" Book, Musician, & Podcast!

When did Adam Lambert start to become a cultural icon? At what point did he become so visible that he could cause a stir not only among his own age group (plus or minus a few years) that he would enrapture members of both sexes of ages into their 50’s and 60’s. It’s quite a phenomenon and it perhaps was originally brought to the forefront on the wowowow.com site courtesy of an initial post by Allegra Huston (sister of Angelica, Danny and daughter of the late director John Huston)
That post talked about the epiphany that Huston had..

But there’s something about him that keeps me — and half the women I know — replaying old “American Idol” episodes on DVR and gazing at photographs of his blue-penciled eyes. (Let’s not forget that Brando did eyeliner too.) Bravery, maybe — he hooked me with “Ring of Fire.” The damn-the-torpedoes flamboyance, the oh-my-god-what-did-I-just-do look when he finished. The intense self-discipline obvious behind the recklessness. And the sweetness. And the smile.

Fast-forward several months and you would find a gazillion more comments from women from all demographics and even more revealing are the essays that were so well-thought out and how those essays on the appeal and almost forensically psychological from some extremely intelligent women– two of which seemed to click and spark off each other’s fascination and insight into Adam Lambert.
Even Liz Smith — part of the founding partnership of the site– noted the budding camaraderie between Xena and Juneau– two women who hadn’t a clue who the other was except their burgeoning common interest in all things Lambert and then into other topics. Liz Smith commented on it in LIps and Ears video for Fox News which is linked here (and wait for a good long time for it to load– because it’s worth it).
On the Meaning of Adam Lambert by Juneau and Xena
What Liz Smith refers to in this video and I do in the podcast below is the book On the Meaning of Adam Lambert which was derived from those posts and more private exchanges between these two women who are happily married with children, extremely well-educated and yet are astounded by the provocative nature that Lambert puts forth and so they proceed to dissect it and even prognosticate what AL will do and where he will go in his career as well as personal life.
However Xena and Juneau don’t stop there — and neither did anyone who participated in the discussions because as Lambert broke the mold and walked a very fine edge– at some times tipping wildly over to one side or the other– offending some, amusing others–he has been true to his own path and self. That in itself is a HUGE point in this book and they spend a great deal of time talking about it..
Juneau and Xena at their book party in NYC.

Fortunately for me, I was able to connect with their PR person who is a very lovely person and Juneau, Xena and I exchanged several emails before setting up an interview date on the phone. The podcast that is shown above is but 50% of the podcast — and the other half will run tomorrow. This is a lengthy discussion– and I don’t mean just interview. If you read my blog– and hopefully have listened to enough podcasts or seen my videos, you have a sense of how I interview someone. This interview swiftly became a discussion and conversation between women who — though I have never watched American Idol and never seen Lambert perform on video, TV or in person– we meshed somehow and picked up the threads of like-minded thoughts.
I have to say that realizing just how whip-smart, sassy, and even at times provocative in their ideas and conjectures– I thought I might be intimidated — but they are very real women, with families, real lives, careers and humor about others and most willing to poke fun at themselves. Impressed doesn’t begin to tell you what I think of them.
Xena and Juneau having a star moment at their NYC book party
I even called up on their first blogtalkradio.com show and wound up talking to them about Lady Gaga. (go figure. I have my points about her and some were mentioned in that blog/cast. Saving that for the review of The Fame).

The blogtalkradio.com broadcast.. has me in it because I got gutsy enough to call in and I am in queue for about 35+ minutes and we talk Gaga — of course. Anyway.. turn it up because it’s low and I will try to download that and amplify it.
Hopefully you will listen to this part 1 and part 2. I haven’t begun to read the book but now will jump into it because reading their essays– and others– make for very interesting conjectures and they put forth something that all humans need to do– which is to continue to evolve (otherwise you become stuck like so much dried mud or concrete unable to move forward, forever frozen in time . One could make a riff off of Medusa’s gaze but that just goes back to Clash of the Titans and you don’t want me to go there — and I highly recommend that you don’t go there either (the movie I mean)
It took a while to edit this podcast because the conversation we had as I listened to it kept me thinking.. and not editing. I listen differently when I am editing– this one was listening to a conversation — quite a different spin– and not good for editing.
So thank you to Juneau and Xena for their patience. I highly recommend you buy their book. Also follow them on Twitter.
Hunting down the Facebook.com pages– so hang tight. Note that I might change this a tad so come back and visit and do remember there is a part 2 of the podcast tomorrow and it’s L O N G E R.– but oh so worth it. Their blog should be on your must read list.
Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com
Follow me on http://www.twitter.com/lastory

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