EveryWayWoman.com asked me to participate in their cable, internet and youtube.com show of the same name to talk about 3 different topics. Topic 1 on “Social Media Marketing” was posted but has somehow vanished so I am going to get that up again FAST– so you can see that information.
This is segment #2 and features a conversation about a fun topic: product reviews and freebies but then turns serious to focus on being safe online– not just with personal information but with anti-virus software. As the face & voice of McAfee’s Fake Anti-Virus Scareware Initiative 2010 (*for which I was not paid), I talk about what happens when you are hit with a FAKE anti-virus attack which is really more of a malware scam to get you to hand over cash and access to your computer. In this conversation I also talked about how much security your business needs as well. An anti-virus program is not going to be enough to protect your work computers– you need more, particularly for small and medium size businesses.
EveryWayWoman.com Talks to Stevie Wilson About Swag, Internet Security & Virus Protection from stevie wilson on Vimeo.
Thank you to EveryWayWoman.com for giving the opportunity to be on their show and meet their team of hosts who were really fun and quite interesting to talk to. You can find them on www.EveryWayWoman.com
Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com
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