DD Push is clearing out the old to make room for the new shipments. They need to unload all inventory from their warehouse space.
Join them on SundayJune 14, 2009 to grab inventory at prices up to 90% off.
All dress pants from Loy and Ford, Jaidan, and others:$30
Jeans $40…:
Search the 90% off rack….
Kelly Nishimoto: spring merchandise up to 80% off.
Underglam’s tanks, boyshorts, thongs, sleep pants, g-strings
under $20.
Cash, cash, cash is king!!
Date: June 14th, 2009
Time: 12-5
Private Residence
9962 1/2 Durant Dr. Beverly Hills, California 90212
I would say with this sale, you can’t go wrong. Make sure you hit there early before everything is scooped up
Stevie Wilson
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