Hayden Black Talks About the Development of The Occulterers!

Hayden Black is one of those people that always has something bubbling, brewing and simmering on the back burner of his mind. Something is always ready to come to fruition if given half a chance and now something has– The Occulterers featured on Babelgum.com

The Occulterers
are a four-person team who boldly go where no sane person would; into haunted houses, spooked-up mansions and poltergeisted castles to find out
just what’s going bump in the night. Fortunately for any ghosts, The Occulterers internal relationships are a whole lot bumpier and scarier. In fact, most supernatural presences run in fear when they’re around.
The Occulterers stars:
James C. Leary (Clem, the loose-skinned demon from Buffy the Vampire Slayer),
Ellen Sandweiss (Cheryl from The Evil Dead),
Amy Kline (I <3 Vampires)
and none other than Camden Toy (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel) as Count Vampire.
The series is written, produced and co-stars web celeb Hayden Black (Goodnight Burbank, Abigail’s Teen Diary, The Cabonauts).
The Occulterers Episode 1 on babelgum.com
Funny, interesting, satirical and definitely whack, this is a series you need to see. Also listen to the podcast with Hayden Black because he explains how this all came to be –within a 2 week period!!
Thanks to Hayden Black for all the time and his patience!
Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com

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