As we head into the holiday season, there’s no reason NOT to reward your hard work at your usual chores + those of holiday shopping and cooking- not to mention holiday events that you might be attending.
Here’s a healthy but tasty cocktail courtesy of VEEV, an acai-based spirit that is smooth and great for any kind of cocktails.
Sage Advice
2 ounces VeeV Açaí Spirit
1 ounce fresh lime juice
1 ounce simple syrup
5 sage leaves
Shake all ingredients well with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with floating sage leaf.
This cocktail is perfect for guys and girls because it’s not sweet and it has a nice savory taste. It’s a great contrast and match-up for food. Definitely worth having at home or in your favorite lounge or restaurant.
Stevie Wilson,
FREE Makeup Bag + 12 Free Samples with any $25 Purchase. Code: FROMSEPHORA
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