The ever-fabulous Tim Quinn, celebrity make-up artist for Armani Beauty breezed into town with Magelan Ferreira also of Armani Beauty to make some very special people look fabulous: Roberta Armani, Ziyi Zhang but the most amazing person (not that they aren’t all fabulous and amazing but this one falls into another category) is Mother Dolores Hart — former actress turned nun who is the focus of an Oscar-nominated documentary. So as Mother Dolores Hart walked the red carpet, the angelic glow was God-given as well as touch of help from Tim Quinn & Armani Beauty!
Magelan Ferreira, Mother Dolores Hart and Tim Quinn!
Want to know what products were used on Mother Dolores Hart– the first nun that I gather Tim had every worked with to walk the red carpet?
Armani Skincare:
ReRegenessence [3.R] High Lift Multi-Firming Rejuvenating Rich Cream Regenessence [3.R] High Lift Multi-Firming Rejuvenating Eye Balm
Cosmetic Products:
And I got to walk away with a slew of fabulous products which I will talk about for another video.
Also– thank you to Magelan Ferriera for the fabulous videography and to Tim Quinn for all the time and giggles. (So much not on camera!!).
Stevie Wilson,
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