From the blog, Living in a Perfect World
Between the Lines
Over the years I have learned to express myself through my writing and I like to think of myself as good. However, this ability is not something which can be turned on at will. It is beyond me in a sense. When my pen touches paper, something happens which is not wholly of myself, but which is not all together different. What happens is a thing of beauty, a gift, and a total surprise. It is something that exists in absence of my control, and until now, I have never made an attempt to explain it.
You see, I, myself, understand what is going on in the subtext of this story. After all, who better to arrange a director’s cut than the director? However, to make you understand will take some work. So please consider this to be an attempt to that end and have some level of understanding for I am new to this branch of writer’s scope (introspection).
Words do not just form out of thin air, despite the use of my tools, pen and paper, I do not claim to have molded them in the same way that a sculptor molds a piece of clay into a statue.
What happens is something closer to that of a duet or a collaboration of sorts. To the majority of the world the only possible truth of story composition (or composition in general) is that I, the author, have created, out of my own mind, an original and totally self oriented piece of writing, but nothing could be further from the truth. True, I did not copy someone else’s word in order to pass them off as my own. However, I wouldn’t describe my writing as creating. A musician doesn’t create music. In reality, the music already exists. All he does is rearrange the notes to exist in harmony with one another. My gift is the same. My pen and paper are instruments, the forum of language is the scale of notes and my finished essays, poems, et cetera are songs. They are songs of the mind.
Which brings us to another question. If I did not create these songs , then whose mind did?
My answer is very simple……….”You did” . Sounds crazy, right? Do you know why that sounds crazy? I sounds because your thought matrix cannot process it in the same context that I am explaining it. In your linear brain construct things are self-sustaining and separate. Time seems to move in a straight line, but in reality things are more complex.
For lack of a better explanation, let us assume that everything is not separate, at least not consciously. In the view of the big picture, we are all part of a greater consciousness. Most of you call this uniting force God, but that is neither here nor there. What is important is that we understand the facts.
1) We do not enter into this world by the ‘grace’ of the divine. This world exists because we exist. We are the divine …….
2) Our thoughts are that of a collective, an underlying precursor to a structure known as society.
3) Everything that we know is born from interactions with the world. We think, speak, and act in order to create the situations in life which will teach the lesson that a particular faculty we possess, is a faculty in need of adjustment or expression.
My writing is the sum total of all parts rendered up until this point. These thoughts belong to you. I am just a filter. Think of it this way. Who is more important, the author or the reader? Sure the reader can’t read something which doesn’t exist, but if there is no one to read it even the most brilliant piece of writing is useless. My writing is a product of all I have been exposed to consciously and unconsciously, including you and your contribution to the stream of our divine connection. We are not only mutually connected, we are mutually dependent. Without one another we would cease to exist.
I do not mold the letters into words. It is I that am molded. All that I do is release that which I can no longer hold onto and realize it or not, so do you. Sure your form of expression may be different, but it exists none the less. Some of us write, some sculpt, and some compose music, but despite the different context, it is all part of the same language.
Writing is just like life in a sense. I am showcasing my interpretation of the world and my existence in ti. Throughout the day you are constantly doing the same thing. Whether you are cooking dinner, playing sports, working or just sitting on the porch smoking a cigar, you are playing your part in the show of life. You are an actor and an actor is expected to learn his trade well.
When you were young, you first learned all you needed to know from your experiences at home, mainly from mom and dad. After starting school, you picked up different lessons like social class, differences in race, gender oriented interaction, and survival of not only the strongest but the smartest. Above all else, you learned the rules. You learned how to act, think and in return how to further your own personal agenda. In short you learned to look out for #1. Let’s face it, whose thoughts are you thinking? All of your thoughts are fruit grown by somebody else’s cultivation of their own personal agenda. Everything that you hear, see and read modifies our thought process. You are a filter that takes in and redirects all life experience and everyone else is exactly the same. We are all exposed to each other’s causes and effects. In the mixing of those streams we are connected. Everything you and I do is born and persists somewhere beyond the scope of our own selfish little worlds.
Whether you write, sculpt, compose music or just live life, let it flow. Let your heart guide you. Let the truth speak through you not from you. It doesn’t belong to you. It is all part of what is written between the lines and that is where your true will is realized.
What’s your “perfect world”?
Stevie Wilson,
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